
Reconnect Social Youth Work and Social Inclusion
As part of our 2023 annual work plan funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, we are proud to share with you the result of our long-time research : Re-Search. This guiding document is set to support youth work providers to work on social inclusion after the COVID-19 pandemic.
This research was conducted by Salome Keshelashvili from Georgia. Salome hold a Master's degree in International Relations and European Studies.
She conducted focus-groups with Y-E-N MOs, individual interviews and created a questionnaire to identify the needs of the providers of youth work that emerge from the COVID-19 crisis - especially the challenges to provide quality inclusion youth work, policy and other challenges.
Y-E-N member associations and other partner organisations were involved all along the research phases and survey stages.

Digital storytelling in practice
This toolkit is one of the results from the long-term project « Digitalise it », which took place from December 2017 to November 2019. This project was coordinated by Youth Express Network and supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and the Région Grand Est (France). This toolkit gathers the theories, workshops and activities that were implemented in the frame of the project. It also shares the various initiatives/structures/organisations that successfully use Digital Storytelling and were visited during the project. This toolkit will hopefully help and guide any person/youth worker or youth organisation that wants to work with Digital Storytelling in youth worker, with the aim of empowering young people

Social and cultural entrepreneurship
This toolkit was created in the framework of the KA2 project “ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR CULTYOURE” (EU4YOU) – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Youth. The project was coordinated by Youth Express Network and supported by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Authored by “Business & Innovation Centre of Serres” with the contribution of Victoria Maldonado, IIC Mexican partner. The aim of this toolkit was to compile theoretical informations on social and cultural entrepreneurship, together with successful examples of social and cultural entreprises visited in the frame of the project. This toolkit was made in order to empower young people to develop their own social and/or cultural entreprises.

Working with young people from vulnerable groups
This practical toolkit was developed by the participants of the advanced Training of Trainers ”The Art of Togetherness II”, organised by Youth Express Network in November 2018, and supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The aim of this toolkit was to gather in one document, the various good practices, tools and ideas that our pool of trainers and member organisations implement daily in their youth work to ensure inclusive youth European projects when working with vulnerable youth.
This toolkit was designed by Coline Robin, graphic facilitator.

Inclusive European youth projects
This practical toolkit was developed by the participants of the networking activity ”Working in Europe Together”, organised by Youth Express Network in 2017, and supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. The aim of this toolkit was to gather in one document, the various good practices, tools and ideas that our member youth organisations implement daily in their youth work to ensure inclusive youth European projects when working with young people with fewer opportunities.
This toolkit was designed by Coline Robin, graphic facilitator.

Sustainable office
This How to guide will help you find easy and efficient alternatives to lower the environmental impact of your youth organisation at the office and during events. These tips were recollected from the content of an online conference co-hosted by Youth Express Network and Sustainable Babes, held on the 16th of November 2020. This online meeting was entitled « Sustainable Office » and occurred during the European Week of Waste Reduction. Although this guide is addressed to youth organisations, youth workers and young volunteers, the ideas and tips shared can be applied by any public, any office and for any event.

Circular Economy for Youth
This toolkit was developped in the frame of the CEYOU project, supported by the Erasmus programme of the European Union. Its aim is to support young people and youth organisations in developing and implementing training programmes, activities and events in the field of Circular Economy. In this document, you will find: basic theoretical knowledge on the concept of Circular Economy, recommendations on accessible eco-friendly habits to start your own circular journey and lead by example, resources and contacts to share with participants when organising and event on Circular Economy, advice on non-formal education and how to facilitate an inclusive event, templates for training programmes, and ideas of non-formal activities on Circular Economy. Enjoy!
Other ressources
Pedagogical reports