Important news from Affabulazione, Ostia Lido!

Youth meeting in High school: learning on Youth mobility and intercultural learning in Ostia

“Affabulazione and High School Paolo Toscanelli met together to exchange experience on international youth projects and life’s expectation.

Last week Valentina Auliso and I (Gaia Ciccone) did a meeting in a local high school to spread information about European mobility. In this meeting, there were about 30 young people, even with difficult family conditions and informed about of international opportunities.

The school’s name is Paolo Toscanelli, it is located in front of the seaside and when the bell rings, the chaos is the king! However, as soon as you enter the class, everyone is very respectful and full of good energy: the atmosphere is vibrant.

We started with an “ice breaker” to know each other better: the game was to write on a piece of paper one thing they love doing, one thing they hate doing and the first thing they think about “Europe”; (It was a success and the atmosphere became soon more informal and familiar);

Then we continued explaining something more about mobility in Europe for young people and telling them our experiences in this “world”.

Everyone was so excited to discover these possibilities and to travel in this way!

In fact, an opportunity as youth projects are very precious for everyone interested to know more about different culture, discover new habits and learn how co habit all together respectfully. Moreover, it is also very insightful and learning experience.

After the meeting, we were very happy to give back our experience to other young people; we really hope everyone can beneficiate from these great life opportunities.

The feedback was great: they wrote us many emails after the meeting to learn more about and, why not, to take part in future projects!

We are thinking at future meetings and we are working with a group of young people to organize activities at local level!

The meeting is the first of a long series that we planned during the school year: in fact, we will go to visit other High Schools here in Ostia and will bring our experience to all young people, we believe in creating a bridge between local and international cooperation.

Our aim, is to inform on youth mobility, intercultural learning and to gather new young people interested to join our group in Affabulazione, we will also promote local activities such as art workshops, digital communication and we will raise the awareness about social rights at local and international level.

“Work, ideas and enthusiasm”, our motto!!!”

Written by Gaia Ciccone, Affabulazione (Ostia, Italy)