Our structure
Youth Express Network is managed by a Board composed of a minimum 5 and maximum 7 members, residing in at least three different European countries, elected by the General Assembly.
The members of the board are elected for a two years term by secret ballot by ordinary majority. Outgoing members may be re-elected. The board ensures the current management of the organisation and takes all the decisions which are not of the responsibility of the General Assembly. All board members work voluntarily for Youth Express Network.
Uniting Bridge SNGO
Ruzanna MANYAN
Yeghvard Youth Ecological NGO
Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia
Coordination office
Our coordination office is located in Strasbourg, France at the « House of associations » (Maison des Associations de Strasbourg).
The SAYers are Youth Express Network’s volunteers, one of our most important resource. They all are former participants who decided to carry on contributing to the network’s activity. The SAY (pool of volunteers) gathers qualified and experienced trainers, facilitators, youth/social workers, reporters, professionals and experts, who join the teams in charge of organising and leading our activities.
The first purpose of the SAY is to gather in one database all of the people willing to contribute to our activities: our SAYers get all of our Calls for Teamers and can then apply to take part in the activity of their choice.
Being part of the SAY also allows each SAYer to access our training of trainers or facilitators.
The SAY is a community of various generations of youth/social workers, trainers, facilitators, volunteers and other professionals. Being a SAYer allows the access to this network of people, where resources, job or volunteering opportunities, good practices, experiences and realities are shared amongst members.
To become a sayer, you need:
- to be 18+
- to be a legal resident of any Member State of the Council of Europe
- to represent a member organisation of Y-E-N or a partner organisation
- to have already participated in at least 1 Y-E-N activity (as participant)
- to follow the following educational requirements:
- Youth work experience,
- Social work experience
- T4T experience (as a participant) is a plus
- Formal education background in social and youth work field can be a plus
Steps that you need to follow:
- Attend a Y-E-N T4T / ToT / TnT
- Fill the application form