From April 4th to 13th, 12 youth workers/leaders from our 6 partner organisations of Y-E-N long-term project “DIGITALISE IT” (KA2 Strategic Partnership – Exchange of Practices) gathered in Ostia-Rome (Italy) for the first Training Course on digital storytelling hosted by Affabulazione!
For 10 days, the participants had the chance to experience different methods of storytelling using digital tools with the expert, director and coach Leo Zbanke and had to write, record and film a personal story as part of the digital storytelling process.
During the Training Course, the participants also had the opportunity to reflect on how to adapt these tools and implement them at local level within their work with young people. They could also immerse themselves in the local reality of the neighbourhood of Ostia thanks to a visit to our partner organisation’s cultural centre Affabulazione, meeting with local youth initiatives and organisations (HOP, Homo Ridens) and a visit to Teatro del Lido.
The next step of the project “DIGITALISE IT!” is a Training Course directly dedicated to young people with fewer opportunities and young peers that will take place in July 2018 in Strasbourg (France). The project itself will continue until 2019 for more experimentations on digital storytelling at local level in each partner organisation!
Our partner organisations: Active Bulgarian Society, Affabulazione, The Exchangeables, United Societies of Balkans, Youropia.

This project was supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
and the Region Grand Est