Training for Trainers – Very Inclusive People

This Training for Trainers in Berovo, organized by Y-E-N and CID has been a life-changing experience, from a personal, and most importantly professional point of view. During one week, from the 20th to the 28th of June, multiple youth workers from different horizons and with many experiences shared an incredible week in North Macedonia under the supervision of talented trainers and the Council of Europe to learn and develop new innovative skills in non-formal education field, with a high focus on the societal topic of inclusion, to be then disseminate in our local communities.

After a first day on team-building and defining clearly the objectives of this T4T, we explored the definitions of the different types of education, and practiced different methodologies and tools adapted to specific topics and targets.

Then, we get introduced and had to deal with important topics such as inclusion/exclusion, civil rights, equality, through activities such as “Steps” or “Dignity land”. That was the opportunity to present the different ressources available on Compas, Salto or on the Training Kits thanks to the Council of Europe and Erasmus+. Those ressources, explained, shared and practiced with us, will help us in our professional lives as future trainers.

The natural context of this training was also the opportunity to approach the intercultural aspect of our jobs and as citizens of the world. From 13 different countries during this training, we discovered and learned from different cultures and traditions from all around Europe and above, enriching our knowledge about the rest of the world and contributing for a global peace.

The network developed during this project will ensure that this T4T impacted the lives of many, spreading all the learnings and skills all around the world and benefiting all communities in urgent need of support.

Thank you very much for everything, for this unique experience that will surely affect directly and indirectly the wide world of Non-formal education.