To celebrate our 25th year acting and networking towards Social Inclusion of Young People, we wanted to put a spotlight on some of the ENTER Recommendation, a tool we often use to teach Young People about the Access of Social Rights.
ENTER recommendation #10:
Supporting non-formal education (…)
For 25 years now, our member organisations and us have been using non-formal education/learning to help young people overcome their disadvantages and become active in their communities. This form of education, although being proven efficient, is poorly recognised socially and politically.
The ENTER Recommendation developed by the Council of Europe lists several measures governments and youth organisations can implement to increase the recognition and support of youth work and non-formal education/learning. Here’s how we implement these measures:
⇒ Encouraging the exchange of expertise between professionals working with young people
⇒ Supporting youth work professionals and youth organisations that provide non-formal education/learning in the promotion of best practices
⇒ Encouraging responsible authorities to recognise and value youth work as an important measure in supporting community cohesion
With this strategic partnership project, our member organisations get the opportunity to meet other partners and learn from an expert and each other’s practices on innovative digital tools. The first training course on Digital Storytelling allowed youth workers form each organisation to learn technics on digital storytelling from our expert film director and coach, Leo Zbanke. Another phase of the project (which will take place in 2019), will consist of 3 peer learning study visits of some of the organisations to discover each other’s implementation of digital tools in the frame of Youth Work.
During the process, the participating NGOs also get to share their good practices to the general public. The topic, digital storytelling, allows all parties of the project to share the video results and reach, through social media, both society and responsible authorities, thus demonstrating their expertise and the impact that youth work has on young people with fewer opportunities.

This project was supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
and the Region Grand Est