Our training of trainers “The Art of Togetherness” is progressing well! During the third day, our participants went over European institutions, active listening, debriefing, feedback and methodology! They ended this programme with their first practising session and proposed artistic activities to each other!
European institutions and active listening
Day 3 started with a presentation of the Council of Europe and a tool often used within our projects: the ENTER Recommendation. The participants were then able to take part in two activities on active listening. On the first one, they had to communicate without seeing each other, sited back to back! On the second one, they had to tell a story to a distracted receiver. These exercises made them aware of the importance of body language, non-verbal communication, feedbacks, adaptation and an open mind.
Debriefing, feedback & methodology
The next part of the day was dedicated to learning more on debriefing, feedback and different methods and methodologies.The participants were introduced to the 6 steps of debriefing after an activity and different techniques of debriefing. They also talked and reflected on the importance of feedback and gave a few examples of feedback techniques such as the sandwich feedback or the behaviour feedback.
The day ended with a phase of practice. Participants were invited to facilitate their first workshop of the training. They could choose an artistic method to share with their colleagues and 4 workshops were held: Greek dances, digital storytelling, comic strips and forum theatre. After the facilitators prepared and hosted their own workshops, they were able to put into practice the debriefing and feedback techniques they had learnt earlier. The results were presented to the other participants during the evening and the group was able to reflect on the whole session.

Activity supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe