The Art of Togetherness – Day 2

Training of trainers youth work

The second day of our training of trainers “The Art of Togetherness” is now over! The day focused on learning, social inclusion and getting to know other European organisations!

Learning and Youth Work

The day started with a session on learning and youth work. The aim of the session was to reflect on the concepts of formal learning, non-formal learning and informal learning and to then link those with youth work and how it each of them can be useful or present challenges.

Learning to learn

On the second part of the morning, the youth/social workers got to experience various ways of learning through two different activities. The first one consisted of learning a choreography all together and put a spotlight on the processes of learning something by hear and having to unlearn something. With the second activity, a class on a Japanese technique of t-shirt folding, the group had to practice peer to peer learning and discovered the numerous styles of learning: manual, audio, visual, group, verbal, individual…

Social Inclusion and Togetherness

During the afternoon, the group took part in a big simulation game called “Scramble for Wealth and Power”. Divided in three groups of different wealth classes, they had to come up with a common plan to manage a fair distribution of their wealth in order to decrease the gap between them. This activity demanded for them to communicate with each other, negotiate, debate and find a fair solution.

Getting to know partners’ organisations

The day ended with a NGO fair where all of the participants had the opportunity to present their local organisation and hear about the others’. This evening allowed them to learn about their European neighbours’ realities and, hopefully, start lots of new European partnerships 😉


Fonds européen pour la jeunesse financeur du Réseau Express Jeunes Youth Express Network

Activity supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe