The Alsace Mobility Crossroads is a regional platform that gathers organisations, institutions, municipalities and workers from the formal and non-formal education scene around common activities aiming to raise awareness, train and support young people with their mobility projects. It is driven jointly by the AMSED (Solidarity and Migration Association and Exchanges for Development), the CRIJ Alsace (Youth Information Centre of Alsace) and Youth Express Network since 2015.
Together, the members of the platform are commited to:
- Informing and supporting young people with their mobility projects
- Informing and training Youth workers
- Informing decision-makers, elected representatives and the general public about the various mobility opportunities existing at european, transnational and international levels and their benefits
A special attention is paid to young people who are facing difficulties to access these mobility opportunities because of their social or geographical situation.
An innovative and special approach
The platform works as a cooperation activator. The activities, developed along 3 lines (information, training and support), are generally drafted and managed jointly by two or more partners.
This innovating networking of partners also allows the sharing of their means and ideas around the values they have in common. The final objective of the platform is for the collaboration and the joint activities to last in the long term, after the end of the project.
Strength of the project
This initiative comes from a pre-existing dynamic which started before the Coremob (Regional Commity of the International Mobility) and before the creation of the platform: the majority of the partners had already been working together for 13 years within the Regional Commitee of the Youth European Programme (2000-2006), and within the Regional Commitee of the Active Youth Programme (2007-2013). These previous 13 years of coworking contributed to the creation of a common culture and forged a tradition of cooperating.
The platform implies a close proximity between every regional player dealing with problematics on international mobility of youth: socio-cultural organisations, youth organisations, youth services, professional and social inclusion workers, workers of youth information and transnational, european and international mobility, formal education workers form high school to university. It implies an extensive knowledge of the concerned players in the territory. It allows a precise networking and a better pooling of resources.
It is a more horizontal approach, involving various players and jointly managed by organisations and intitutions. The organisations and their workers occupy a predominant place and take initiatives. The collaboration, the partnership and the opening to new projects and members make it easier to answer to unexpected needs and solicitations and to progressively adapt the projects.
It is an inclusive approach: the platform is not a closed circle but is open to welcome any long-term or one-time player as for example formal education workers still not member of the platform.
Other members of the platform:
- Centre d’Information sur les Institutions Européennes
- Euroguidance
- Fédération des Centres socio-culturels du Bas-Rhin
- Francas d’Alsace
- Fédération des MJC d’Alsace
- ICE – Réseau francophone
- La ligue de l’enseignement du Bas-Rhin
- Parcours le Monde
- Tambour Battant
- Ville de Bischheim
- La Ville de Mulhouse
- Ville de Strasbourg
The departemental council of Haut-Rhin and Bas-Rhin and the University of Strasbourg participate to the work.
Some numbers!
Between September 2015 and June 2016, 60 activities were developed by the partners.
4875 people beneficiated directly from the activities, from which 3250 were young people (hish schoolers, apprentiship, unemployed young people and students) and 1625 adults (facilitators, trainers, teachers, youth advisors, parents and young adults).
Activities implemented since the begining of the project:
Information :
- Presence at events
- Awareness workshops
- Meeting with the socio-cultural organisations’ teaching teams
- Competition for the creation of the logo on Facebook
- Language aperitif
- Interventions in schools
- Info and carrer orientation forums
- 6 workshops for young people involved in Civic Service
- 2 trainings for future project holders
- 5 workshops and seminars about transnational youth work
- Collectif support for young people going abroad
- Individual support for mobility
- Help workshops for the conception of the Erasmus + files
Some Highlights:
- February: month of youth mobility – 9 activities in february 2016
- May: Europe Month/Day14 actions in May 2016
- EYE European Youth Event