Working Together – Day 2

Day 2 was dedicated to Youth Work. Through various activities, the participants were invited to reflect and define what youth work means for them, what it is and what they think it should be.

After having clarified the stakes and current context of Youth Work at European level (Council of Europe, Europe Union, ENTER Recommendation, Youth Department of the COE, EYF, Salto, Erasmus+), the group was asked to present the specific situation of Youth Work in their country.

In little groups, they introduce to the others the profile and status of their Youth Workers, the challenges they face and the support they can find. Together, they compared the different situations and could thank to that wide perspective draw a realistic map of European Youth Work. They highlighted the common struggles and motivations of European Youth Workers and discovered the many differences and realities of their neighbours.

During the afternoon, the participants worked together on the creation of a toolkit for Youth Workers to implement during the creation of a Youth Projet. They did so with a World Café.

In groups, they brainstormed on three questions: What should youth workers do? What should young people do? What should Youth Organisations do? For each of these questions, they identified solutions to the issues they face daily and imagined efficient processes of selection, preparation and follow up for youth projects.

Thanks to the motivation, collaboration and passion of these youth workers and young people, Y-E-N will be able to produce in a few month an essential toolkit for youth workers and organisation!

Fonds européen pour la jeunesse financeur du Réseau Express Jeunes Youth Express Network

Activity supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe