Inclusion LAB II: Training for Trainers (T4T)!
Beginning of July 2015: 28 young people and youth workers coming from 19 different countries gathered in the South-Est of Romania, in a village […]
Beginning of July 2015: 28 young people and youth workers coming from 19 different countries gathered in the South-Est of Romania, in a village […]
“Mind the Gap seminar brought together between 19th and 25th of April 2015 26 young people coming from 13 countries. The seminar was the […]
During “Mind the Gap” seminar, which was designed in order to prepare and relaunch the “Inclusion Express” campaign, we thought of creating a day […]
The seminar “Final DestY-E-Nation” was the third and last activity of the long-term project “ITINERAR-Y-E-N: On the Roads of Social Inclusion of Young People”, […]
The seminar “H.O.M.E: Higher Opportunities for Migrants in Europe” was a joint activity from the Youth Express Network (Y-E-N) and Voice of Young Refugees […]
The seminar “Zoom In” was the second activity of our Work Plan “ItinerarY-E-N: On the Roads of Social Inclusion of Young People”. It gathered […]
The seminar “OrY-E-Nt yourself” was the first activity of the Work Plan “ItinerarY-E-N: On the Roads of Social Inclusion of Young People”.