“A really inspiring human experience”
“From the 14th to the 20th of November 2015, took part in Strasbourg and Brussels the “Inclusion Train” mobile seminar, fourth and last step of the “Inclusion Express” campaign about Social Inclusion and Social Rights
The first study session and the other two seminars of the same campaign were in Milcoveni (Romania, on July 2014), Brčko (Bosnia et Herzegovina, on April 2015) and Budapest (Hungary, on July 2015). During these days have been involved 25 people from many and different realities and countries inside and outside Europe: Armenia, Azebaijan, Belarus, France, Greece, Holland, Italy, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Spain and Turkey. The participants were young people (members of a specific association), youth social workers, or individuals, and everyone was already active in the local reality about this kind of topics and inclined to the sensitization and diffusion of these ones.
From the first beginning the main aim was to include everyone of us in an atmosphere of sharing and connection that has kept us together till the end of the project. Among us there were people who had already participated to one of the others three steps, so it has been our task to inform the new members about all the activities and all the primary aims which had been reached in the past. Another interesting and important part of the project was the one dedicated to the visit fields of local organizations, such as Community Center “Elsau”, in Strasbourg, which works on educating and helping disadvantaged people or refugees to find a job. The center is situated in one of the most sensitive neighborhood of the city. In Brussels, we visited the organization “Cultureghem”, where has been developed a great idea about the creation of a total free market for people with fewer opportunities and created some activities for the children who live there or outside that neighborhood.
I think that the most important aim of the project “Inclusion train” was to spread information and develop awareness, interest and knowledge about social inclusion and to reflect on how we can work all together to support it and make it possible. We shared many personal experiences and I have to thank everyone of them for have been an important part for my personal human, cultural and work experience of life. At the end of the seminar we discussed about the creation and planning of new ideas which can be important for spreading information at local level and for helping the diffusion of new local and international projects. All together we can do more than we expect, so don’t be afraid by the violence and corruption of this world, because we’ll be more powerful than it. Our humanity is what makes us different, and we will fight to defend it.”
Written by Francesca Vinciguerra from the organisation Affabulazione (Ostia, Italy) and participant to the activity.
Discover the three videos telling the experience of the participants during this project (movies from Audrey COECKELBERGHS)