EU4YOU – Kick-off meeting in Bulgaria

entrepreneurship for youth

Our first meeting of the year took place in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, at the end of January. It was the Kick-off meeting of our Capacity Building project “EntreprenEUrship for CultYOUre” (EU4YOU), hosted by Active Bulgarian Society (ABS).

This seminar gathered social workers from 8 different organisations coming from Argentina, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Lithuania, Mexico, Peru and Vietnam.

This international project will last for 2 years. It will allow its 8 partners to share good practices in order to develop innovative complementary pathways for boosting employability of young people through social youth entrepreneurship, as well as to provide them with tools for cultural entrepreneurship.

During this 7 days meeting, the participants got to know each other, the various organisations involved and the ins and outs of the project.

Together, they developed an action plan for the future months. Find here bellow a timeline of the chronological timeline of the project EU4YOU.

They also got to share some Team Building activities, meet with guests from Blagoevgrad region, visit the city and surroundings. As an introduction exercice, they developed in small groups five ideas for social enterprises which were later presented to all the partners and discussed in detail.

One of the result of the 2-year-long project will be a Toolkit on social entrepreneurship and cultural management, giving practical directions to young people on how to create, manage and sustain an enterprise.

Watch the video that was made by ABS volunteers during the seminar:


This project was supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union