It’s official!! Youth Express Network is now a full member of the European Youth Forum!
Between the 21-23 of November 2019, our president and 3 other members of our Board attended the European Youth Forum’s Council of Members 2019, in Amiens, France. Among many topics discussed and voted by the members of the YFJ, one point of the agenda marked a milestone for Youth Express Network: the official approval of our Full membership!
For the past decade, many current and former board members, coordination office members and member organisations contributed and worked on this membership process!
“The vision of the European Youth Forum is to be the voice of young people in Europe, where young people are equal citizens and are encouraged and supported to achieve their fullest potential as global citizens.” – European Youth Forum
Becoming a full member of the European Youth Forum will allow the network to make the voices of young people heard at an even bigger scale: over 100 youth organisations all united to represent and advocate for the young European people’s needs and interests.
Here’s to new cooperations and continuing to make the voices of Youth heard, recognised, valued and appreciated!