Our General Assembly of 2021 was held on the 10th of September! Because of the global pandemic and just like last year, the meeting was held online through video chat.
There were 20 people attending the meeting, among which 16 represented member organisations. The General Assembly and voting members approved various administrative documents (agenda, financial reports, provisional budget), the annual activity report of the year 2020 was presented.
Election of Board Members!
Congratulations to our 4 elected Board Members : Büşra Akdoğan, Andrea Pantarelli, Olya Khvasevich, and Adina Halilović.
Here’s the new configuration of the Board of Youth Express Network:

A new video of presentation!
Margaux Dos Santos announced her departure from her position as Communication Officer of Y-E-N. As a final contribution to the communication of Youth Express Network, she presented the new video of presentation of Y-E-N. Enjoy!
Special Thanks!
We would like to send a special thanks to Valentina Auliso, former vice-president of Y-E-N, who moderated this General Assembly!
And last but not least, a warm thank you to Bade Fatma Cimen who finished her mandate as Board Members of Youth Express Network! Thank you so much for your dedication and contribution to our network!