The long-term partnership “Open Space for Youth” had to adapt to the health crisis and its online format finally started in April 2021 !
Back in October 2019, young people from three cities, Strasbourg France, Stuttgart Germany and Menzel-Bourguiba Tunisia, gathered in Tunisia to work together on the topic of youth participation. As a result of this collaboration, a youth exchange and a study visit were planned for 2020.
Youth exchange
The project had to be adapted to be compatible to the health crisis and the young people were finally able to meet online in April 2021!
The first online activity, a youth exchange) on youth participation in urban planning / urban transformation, was co-hosted by the partners: Youth Express Network, Stadtjugendring Stuttgart (Germany) and Attabedol Menzel Bourguiba (Tunisia).
Participants created virtual city tours on DigiWalk, showing the places devoted to young people and interviewing change-makers in their hometowns:
Participants also discussed about the quality of life in their hometowns and the links between sustainability and Human Rights in everyday life.
To spice up the online experience, participants could try out language animation (in Arabic, English, French and German) and self-organised activities.
Study visit
The “Open Space for Youth” study visit was composed of two parts and took place in May and June. Organised online with partners Stadtjugendring Stuttgart (Germany) and Attabedol Menzel Bourguiba (Tunisia), it aimed to promote the participation and solidarity of young people in the fields of youth work and local youth policies.
To do so, youth workers from the three partner countries collaborated, received advices and were shown examples of good practices from expert guests, including: Cdj Strasbourg, Coopérative Jeunesse de Services-CJS Port du Rhin -Strasbourg, Kaleidos’coop and Octop’us – inspiring Strasbourg practices aimed at creating spaces open to young people.
Financially supported by OFAJ DFJW and the Erasmus+ programme