Working Together – Day 5

Day 5 was our last day in Timisoara! The program focused on two things: the presentation of the different projects created previously by the participants and the evaluation of the whole week.

In the morning, each group that had developed a project the day before presented their work to the rest of the team. In total, 7 projects were presented.

  1. The Art of Togetherness“: to increase & raise awareness on social rights & inclusion through art.
  2. Participation Through Youth Mobilisation“: to increase youth participation through mobilisation in the Youth Work field.
  3. Don’t be afraid to show your True Colors“: to break stereotypes & increase acceptance & inclusion towards LGBTIA+ in Europe.
  4. CAT: Citizens Against Terrorism“: to raise awareness on extremism & prevent youth to fall into extremism.
  5. EVS for Everybody“: to send & host organisations from European & Eastern Partnership.
  6. Campaign against Cyber-Bullying“: to involve & raise awareness on the issue and train young people and educators to recognise & help victims.
  7. Gender-Based Violence“: to support victims & map the local situations.

The afternoon was dedicated to an evaluation of the 5-days Partnership Building Activity. Overall, the participants felt that they learned a lot and really understood Y-E-N, its work and the opportunities that can come out of being a member of this big family of European organisations. They were able to create several partnerships and created a special bond that, we hope, will allow beautiful projects to see the light.

Our next activity will be the Evaluation Seminar, third and last activity of our annual plan “Tog(ae)ther Europe“. It will take place in Strasbourg during the first week of October 🙂 And we can’t wait to meet everyone again!

Fonds européen pour la jeunesse financeur du Réseau Express Jeunes Youth Express Network

Activity supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe