Action Day #12: Preventing all forms of Violence

preventing all forms of violence

To celebrate our 25th year acting and networking towards Social Inclusion of Young People, we wanted to put a spotlight on some of the ENTER Recommendation, a tool we often use to teach Young People about the Access of Social Rights.

ENTER Recommendation #12:
Preventing Violence

Young people coming from disadvantaged neighbourhoods are often both victims and perpetrators of violence, inside and outside of their homes. These violences can take various forms. They create a climate of fear and fuel prejudice and discrimination against Youth. One part of the ENTER Recommendation focuses specifically on preventing all forms of violence in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

To demonstrate that it CAN be done, we put in this article 2 examples of projects done by our Member organisations that aim at preventing different kinds of Violence.

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Proni Center for Youth Development
Brcko District, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Member Organisation

“Youth Countering the Violent Extremism”

In Bosnia and Herzegovina key problems for youth are: youth passivity and isolation. As a result, young people can easily be targeted by extremist groups and movements, become radicalised trough family and their local society and then transfer those radical ideas to their peers using social medias. Our member organisation Proni and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina tried to tackle this issue and developed together the long-term project “Youth Countering the Violent Extremism”. The project is supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the MATRA program.

This project will work directly with youth through three youth councils in BiH, and other stakeholders to produce tools and mechanisms that will directly influence the decision-makers of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to modernise and update the legislations and respond on violent extremism challenges in the digital world. This will prevent Youth from being an easy target for extremist ideas and organisations that are using the digital world (specially social media) to reach and recruit new members amongst youth.

One of the main event, a conference called “Youth against Violent Extremism”, was held in Sarajevo, in June 2018. It was attended by over 80 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, the Netherlands, Portugal, USA. The audience shared mutual international experiences in preventing violent extremism, as well as regional and Bosnian experience. Two researches on the attitudes of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Croatia were presented.

Besides this conference, the partners of the project have already conducted researches on youth attitudes towards radicalisation, created an info web page ( (meaning: and implemented the first of three trainings for youth council representatives to disseminate knowledge on means of prevention and lobbying against violence.

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United Societies of Balkans
Thessaloniki, Greece – Member Organisation

“React-Act-Prevent Sexual Violence
Through Youth Work”

Sexual violence is considered among the most serious social problems, occurring against any person, regardless gender, age, race at any place, at any time. To tackle this issue, our member organisation United Societies of Balkans developed the project “React-Act-Prevent Sexual Violence Through Youth Work“. It will be implemented in 5 EU countries (Cyprus, Greece, Poland, France (including Martinique) and Spain) and is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme.

The project aims at providing youth NGOs with innovative comprehensive tools and means to successfully and effectively adopt, plan, and implement prevention measures aiming at combating sexual violence against children, adolescents and youth. The whole project will be based on primary prevention approaches including information sharing, awareness raising, education, training, networking and cooperation, using non-formal learning tools and methods.

At the end of the collaboration, 7 outputs will be produced:

  1. A guide on sexual violence prevention through Youth Work, containing data on strategies, programmes and good practices shared between partners during the project
  2. An online awareness-raising campaign
  3. A package of e-learning training modules addressed at Youth Organisations
  4. A package of e-learning training modules entitled addressed at individuals
  5. An Interactive e-learning and training platform on sexual violence prevention through Youth Work gathering all the documentation produced
  6. Strategic Action Plan including the conclusions, policy recommendations, legislation amendments, based on proposals, suggestions, ideas expressed by all participants of Round Table Discussions organized in each partner country and the open access Online Discussion Forum.
  7. REACT-ACT-PREVENT SEXUAL VIOLENCE INFO CENTERS. The Centers will provide information, and raise awareness on sexual violence prevention strategies, policies, programs and practices and services will be provided on a personal and online levels.