Testimonies of our participants day after day
DAY 1:
Big “Hello” from Strasbourg. Today we managed to start our project for international young people named Re(dis)cover Youth Work by Y-E-N organisation. The first day was diverse and significant. I met 15 new people from different countries from all the world and made friendships. From 7 am to 10 pm we had a lot of interesting conversations, discussions on our experiences, our feelings and vision on the future. So, I have to expect a lot from the further days. Hope coming days would be as exciting and interesting as today.
– Dan
DAY 2:
The second day of our seminar was a highlight itself because of its different kind of milestones throughout the way: from pandemic challenges to being a member of a Parliament proposing laws and being responsible for its people up to presenting our individual background as our mother organisations and looking forward to one of the most awaited exchange moment: the intercultural evening. So, in the first morning session ,we had the chance to learn from Katarina that even during a global crisis, good and sustainable things could still happen if You have the eyes open to the ones in real needs, this time, the youth workers and their mental health.
Before lunch, we played the role of a member of the Parliament of Dignityland, so we could learn more about human and social rights, different policies and also put in common the situations from our realities. The afternoon, for me was very special because it was the time to present our “roots” as the sending organisation. It was surprisingly to see so many types of organisations, with a lot of different targets, all aiming youngsters and their harmonious development and also the infinite opportunities they have. It was as well nice to see that Y-E-N actually connected us, all being from different countries from all around Europe.
After learning each one of us about the others, the intercultural evening facilitate the interest in each others’ cultural and gastronomical background. So we shared traditional food, gifts and informations about our countries. Happy and joyful after such a diverse yet great day ? Definitely! I am looking forward with curiosity to what the next days will bring to us.
– Cesara
DAY 3:
DAY 5:
Today we started with an energizer; we played a game with the chairs and music and Martina won. Later Naira did a presentation on “project cycle”, that is the journey to prepare a project. We start from a problem, we plan how to solve it and then we get to a conclusion, leading to a follow up; that means that a project can lead to the creation of another one. Then Naira explained us who/what are the donors, like for example EYF and Erasmus+. After the coffee break we did “partnership building” with Valentina. We divided into two groups; each group had time to discuss about different topics, such as “areas of expertise” and “areas of needs”. After discussion, we had ten minutes to present to the others what we talked about as a group. After lunch, we had free afternoon and went to visit the city center. We went to have dinner at a typical Alsatian restaurant and tried the “Tarte flambée”.
– Camilla
DAY 6: