We wrote and sent an Open Letter to MEPs and PACE members to urge them to listen to the voices of young people and give them space, opportunity and support.
In 2017, we coordinated the project “TOG(AE)THER in Europe: Living, working and shaping Europe together” financially supported by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union and the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.
The project aimed at advocating and lobbying for the social inclusion and access to social rights of young people in Europe, by empowering them and providing them a space to meet and dialogue with policy-makers.
During this project, we confirmed once again that young people are ready and willing to share their ideas and needs of the present and future. Unfortunately, we were disappointed to find out that no member of the European Parliament came to meet with them to listen to their needs and ideas or engage into dialogue with them.
The invitation was sent 2 months prior to the event to 60 European decision-makers (MEPs and PACE members).
We decided to send them an Open Letter. Here’s that letter.