EU4YOU – Final Seminar

social cultural entrepreneurship youth

The participants of our KA2 “EU4YOU – Entrepreneurship for cultYOUre” met one last time in July, in Strasbourg, France, for the final seminar of this Capacity Building project. One last meeting to reflect on the past two years, harvest the fruits of our work and evaluate the project.

The aim of this long-term project was to develop innovative complementary pathways for boosting employability of young people through social youth entrepreneurship and providing them with tools for cultural entrepreneurship in particular. Youth Express Network developped this project together with partners from 3 different continents.


On the first day of this final seminar, the group focused on reconnecting with each other and sharing about each other’s experiences on the previous phases of the project: the 16 job shadowing and multiple workshops implemented at local level.


On day 2, the participants got to start the day with a visit of the European Parliament! During the afternoon, the group worked on reviewing and finalising the Toolkit, a task they continued through the week!


toolkit on social entrepreneurship

The third day of or final seminar was dedicated to Field Visits and discovering local successful initiatives! The group was welcomed by Libre Objet, an organisation aiming at creating objects by up-cycling unused materials, and employing people in process of professional reinsertion.


On Day 4, the participants worked hard on finalising their toolkit!

DAY 5 & 6

The last two days were dedicated to evaluating this two-year long project, its impact on the 8 different NGOs that took part in it, and the impact it had on the participants, youth workers and young people who got to join the initiative at any point of EU4YOU!

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This seminar closed a successful 2-year long partnership, spread over 8 countries and 3 continents! It allowed dozens of youth workers to discover the good practices of their peers, opened them to different realities, different methods and solutions… It allowed the creation of future inter-continental partnerships and resulted on the creation of a detailed toolkit, aiming at helping young people develop their own projects of social and/or cultural entrepreneurship.

Thanks to all of our partners for their dedication: Active Bulgarian Society​ (Bulgaria), Active Youth (Lithuania), Bic Serrès (Greece), CSDS (Vietnam), Brigada De Voluntarios Bolivarianos del Peru​ (Peru), International Initiatives for Cooperation (Mexico), Fundación Ses​ (Argentina).

This project was supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union