Participation out of the Box – Day 5

youth participation seminar

Our seminar “Participation out of the Box” has come to an end. The fifth and last day of the activity was dedicated to evaluating the whole programme and planning the next steps towards implementing local actions with young people.

My action plan

The participants got to plan the action they would like to implement at home: What issues can I identify in my local community? Which issues are my “personal fight”? How will I approach the issue / problem? How can I encourage the participation of young people?

Evaluation and closing ceremony

The afternoon was dedicated to evaluating the 5-day activity. The participants shared on their highlights of the week, and expressed if they felt the objectives of the seminar were met. After the evaluation session, the group closed the seminar, exchanging their certificates.

Our work plan « Shake the Box! Alternative ways of participation » is now on track to continue its course towards bringing together different layers of society and implementing an action of youth participation. Let’s claim and show, all together, that vulnerable youth’s participation is real, effective and promising!

This activity was hosted in Oviedo, Spain, by our member organisation Asociación Youropia.

Fonds européen pour la jeunesse financeur du Réseau Express Jeunes Youth Express Network

This project was supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union