Our General Assembly of 2020 was held on the 27th of August! For the first time and because of the global pandemic, the meeting was held online through video chat.
The attending member organisations voted on and approved various administrative documents, welcomed 2 new member organisations and elected 3 board members. There were in total 24 people attending the meeting, among which 15 represented member organisations.
2019: Shake the Box – Alternative ways of Participation
As part of the first points of the Agenda, the general assembly approved various documents such as the financial report 2019 and provisional budget 2020. Among these documents was also our annual activity report on the year 2019. You can find this report by clicking the image!
Welcome to 2 new member organisations!
This General Assembly welcomed 2 new member organisations, bringing the Network to a total of 34 members organisations spread over 23 European Coutries!
Asfar is an NGO based in UK and aiming at providing opportunities to Young People in the UK and the Middle East.
Yeghvard Youth Ecological NGO is based in Armenia and focuses on promoting environmental awareness and appreciation.
Election of Board Members!
Congratulations to our 3 elected Board Members : Elene Kapanadze, Lilia Mnatsakanyan and Ramiz Aliyev Here’s the new configuration of the Board of Youth Express Network:
A new website and our Vision 2030!
Margaux Dos Santos, communication officer of Youth Express Network, presented our new website to the General Assembly. This website was remade during the lockdown. Freshening it up allowed us to make our presence on the internet closer to the essence of our activity: it is now more dynamic and young! Renewing it also allowed us to optimize its weight and make it easier to navigate through.
To finish the meeting, Andrea Pantarelli, Board Member of Y-E-N, presented the results of our Survey on the future of Youth Express Network. Conducted on our member organisations, this survey allowed us to map the wishes and expectations of our members on our future work.
Special Thanks!
We would like to send a special thanks to Lari Schinteie from Sustainable Babes, who moderated this General Assembly!
And last but not least, a warm thank you to Nino Tsulaia and Sirarpi Manyan who finished their mandate as Board Members of Youth Express Network! Thank you so much for your dedication and contribution to our network!