Participation out of the Box! – Day 4

youth participation seminar

After learning about youth participation and meeting young people determined to change their society, the participants spent the 4th day of our seminar learning how to support vulnerable youth into developing their own local action.

Debriefing the visits

The day started with a session dedicated to debriefing the past day. The group got to share what they loved most about the field visits they experienced on Day 3, and express what they’ll take back home from the initiatives and people they met.

Identifying the challenges faced by Young People

Later on that day, the participants were invited to discuss and identify the barriers and challenges faced by Youth in their country. They focused their reflection on 4 different areas : Social barriers (gender, economic situation…), Physical barriers (transportation, costs…), Cultural barriers (languages, religion…), Behavioural barriers (self-esteem, disempowerment..).

How to advocate? Steps towards Advocacy

During the last session of the day, the team of facilitators introduced to the group the Steps to Advocacy: where to start when advocating, who to contact, how to do it… The participants got a better idea on how to develop and implement an action plan, how to find allies, how to communicate about your action to make it impactful, and recognised.

Fonds européen pour la jeunesse financeur du Réseau Express Jeunes Youth Express Network

This project was supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union