In May, Youth Express Network will celebrate Europe Month, a special month of events organised by the Région Grand Est to commemorate the “Schuman Declaration”, founding text of the European construction.
This text was pronounced on the 9th of May 1950 and proposed the creation of an European organisation in charge of placing the French and German production of coal and steel under one common High Authority. The “Schuman Declaration” would later lead to the signing of the “Treaty of Paris” the 18th of April 1951, founding the European Coal and Steel Community between 6 European nations.
To celebrate this major historic event, we will participate in 4 local events during de month of May:
3rd of May
Meeting with a Youth Initiative
On the 3rd of May, we will welcome No Walls – More Words, a Youth initiative driven by 4 young people from Italy who went on a bicycle adventures across Europe as part of the No Hate Speech Movement. Together, they will cycle from Amsterdam to Rome and meet with young people to talk to them about integration and opportunities. A good opportunity for them to create bridges between European people in these difficult times.
We will welcome this initiatives during their 3-days stop in Strasbourg and will introduce them to our French Member Organisation L’Étage and their young members during a friendly afternoon and evening. A conference and debate will be held between 12:00 and 16:00 at the Étage to talk about Living Together in Europe, Respect (or Disrespect) of Human Rights in dealing with migrations and European citizenship.
9th of May
Information morning on mobility
Through one of our local project, the Platform Alsace Mobility Crossroads, we will organise an information meeting on the 9th of may. A good number of our partners, local players of the mobility scene, will be present to talk about cross-border, European and international mobility to Facilitators, Youth and Social Workers.
24th of May
Intervention at a Youth celebration
On the 24th of May, we will participate in the Youth Celebration of the Center of Notre Dame de Strasbourg, by inviting young people to share their mobility and voluntary experiences (civic service, European voluntary service, organisation volunteering…) to the youngsters of the Center.
30th of May
Photo Exhibition in a High School in Colmar
On the 30th of May, we will set up a photo exhibition in the High School Camille Sée, in Colmar, to promote the benefits of Living Together and Interculturality to high schoolers.