Back to the training on How to answer calls for projects organized by the European Youth Foundation ? It took place from May 30th to June 1st at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg.
During these 2 days ½, our network coordinator and our communication officer, met with 19 French youth organizations. This info session in French, for the French orga, was made possible thanks to the funding of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union #pfue22
This information session was facilitated by Natalia Militello from the European Youth Foundation and Tarek Amraoui, a French trainer.
The training was punctuated by several interventions, including that of Janaïna PAISLEY, from the Direction de la jeunesse, de l’éducation populaire et de la vie associative (DJEPVA) of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, on youth work in France.
On the agenda, we saw the link between my reality and the Council of Europe; we learned about EYF fundamentals, advice and resources. We identified and wrote objectives for a good grant application. And even had the opportunity to have a guided tour of the Council of Europe, of which EYF is a body.
In conclusion, the info session was just as rich as the informal times, which allowed us to enlarge our contacts list and to strengthen our links with the EYF.